Sunday, December 31, 2006

Wow, a new victim to terrorize with a scavenger hunt. Randy and Andrew are past the age of "enjoying" the search. Now, Rachael is in the picture, and, yes it was enjoyable to see her search for her present. Ahhh, simple pleasures.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Yes, that right, it was a great day. We went to Ashland yesterday to go skiing today. The weather was perfect, the snow was perfect, and it was one of those kind of days where you remember how enjoyable skiing really is...even if I'm not thaaat good. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

This rain guage is from Jan. 1, 2006. About the end of November, I had to dump it and restart it again. So, add 70" to what it says. Yes, that's correct, we've received 107.9" of rain here in our back yard from 1/1/06 until 12/27/06. Sheeeesh, now that's a lot of rain!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, and days that start out scary, turn out to be, well, OK. Andrew gave us a scare yesterday morning when he called to tell us that the side of his face was paralyzed. I suddenly became "schooled' on Bells Palsey. While he is not out of the woods yet, the prognosis is basically much better than it had started out to be. It is a temporary condition that people do get over with fairly soon. Really though, I guess 'get over' is a relative term. Like anything, it's always much easier if it's happening to someone else. So, he has a few extra days off to enjoy.

I stayed home to be with him and he said that he wanted to go fishing. Now me, I'm not one to not want to go fishing. In fact, one doesn't even have to twist my arm to go. Really, I'm kinda like the dogs, I'm generally in the truck waiting to go before they are. Long story short, on the first cast (after 10, 927 previous casts) I caught the largest steelhead I've ever caught. 12 pds. and 30 in. long.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Just random thoughts.
The accumulation of my life is that record that is kept of and elsewhere.

Does what we do really change lives?

Remember, in times of low periods, the things that bring enjoyment.

Relationships with those we come in contact with, effect the world as a whole.

Look forward to a time in which I have time to reflect. I am a sum total of reflection from who I came while filtered through my own life's experiences.

Have I fulfilled my life's purpose?

A great generic bumpersticker (compliments of a conversation with HB, Andrew, and Rachel: "Don't worry, if you can't see it my way, you'll come around."

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Thoughts while on vacation

Return to, take part in that which gives one enjoyment...with soul in mind.
Carpe diem of the season, not only look forward to tomorrow.
Practice that which has been given to you.
Keep in mind: this day will not happen again in this present lifetime.
Take into account the wisdom of the ages, recent and historical.
Most things aren't worth arguing about.
State your position. Listen to differing points. Be open to change. The truth will emerge.
Practice of which you speak.
Gracias, but.......
No, I do not wish to visit a time-share seminar.
No, I do not want to go to any tourist activities.
No, I do not want to take $150 from you, for any promocion.
I did all this last time.

If I want to do anything, I will surely ask you.


(I plan to have this printed on a T-shirt before I go to Mexico next time)

Sunday, June 25, 2006

I believe.

We as a species take so much for granted: Art is not so much a choice, but a choosing, or rather a choice of a Higher Power. We as humans are only trying to emulate or follow those that have been chosen to lead the way into a different way of thinking or seeing. Those that have been chosen, or those that have devoted their life to not follow another's example, but to lead the way into an alternate way of seeing, and thus, into a different way of perceiving the world.

Only by following that inner voice, which is simply the universal voice, or God voice, can one truly experience the future. There is an all knowing and all seeing figure that Christians refer to as God. Other cultures and beliefs see this same figure as ultimately a Supreme figure that not only sees the future, but lets us construct it.

We are simply souls having a human experience and that the purpose of that experience is to lead us back to what we all emanate from-God.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Wow! It's been quite awhile hasn't it? Just a thought: Are doctors allowed to call in sick? It almost seems like an oxymoron: doctors - sickness. Something seems not quite right about that to me. This was my situation when I went to the doctor's office today after work. It seems that they called this morning and left a message, but since I hadn't gone home after work I didn't know about it until I arrived at the office at 4:30. Should they be held to the same standards that they expect of patients, 24 hours notice or they charge for an office call? If that's the case, does the doctor owe me the value of my time since they did not give me 24 hours notice? hmmmm.... (Or is this thinking too far out of the box?)

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Thought for the Day (only for those that believe in a Higher Power)

Lord, thy will be done in me. Lord, thy will be in me. In words, thoughts, and actions. Practice charity to all, love, to all, finding fault with none, being patient with all, showing brotherly love and brotherly kindness.

Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening to the divine within.
If one is to receive grace from God one must show grace to others. Only then can the grace of God be given to man, for the grace of God is manifested through man by showing grace to others. By following the example of Jesus we are doing his will, but more importantly, charting our future.
-a short summary of a book I just finished reading Family Karma by Kevin J. Todeschi

Only when we show godliness will we be shown Godliness.

Seems fair.

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7

Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action. It is associated with cause and effect and the fact that each individual is constantly meeting the consequences of his or her previous choices. Karma is an interactive, energetic force neither good nor bad in character that is set in action by our intent, desire, thought, deed, and word and as a result molds and shapes the resulting consequences of all our actions.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Bow at the knee of history, for therein lies your future

What is the future but our appreciation of the past? Who we were, why we are, and what we are to become. The past, the effervescent reminder of who we really are. Yes, we can only learn from the present if we really understand from whence we came.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

I have heard it said that America is a land of opportunity.
In a small microcosm I tend to see the deck in my backyard as a deck of opportunity. Let me explain. Factors: There is a finite amount of time that the sun hits the deck, hours of sunlight, absence of clouds, proximity of the sun as it relates to the seasons, and height of the trees to our south. Given all these constraints there really is a very small window of opportunity to enjoy the portents of summer. I see it almost as my duty to make use of the deck as much as possible, especially given the fact that it’s been such a long winter. Opportunity doesn’t always strike and I’m a firm believer in Carpe Weekend (seize the weekend). The way I see it a person must take advantages of and enjoy the moment, even if it is only lying out in the backyard listening to the sound of the wind blowing through the trees and feeling the warmth of the sun. Simple pleasures are the best. I read somewhere that the farther one gets away from the simple things in life, the farther you are from reality. That’s easy to say as I sit here typing this out on a word-processing keyboard device to be uploaded to my computer and put out for the world to see on the Internet. So, enjoy the moment.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Speed of Summer
It’s amazing how quickly the seasons change here. Last week it rained an inch in 24 hours, today the dogs are sitting panting in the hot weather. Actually, I’m sitting, they’re laying on the back deck panting. It’s too hot for them! After the last day it rained the following day dawned to be a beautiful spring day. The next day the wind blew from the north (a sure sign of summer). Today the wind continues to blow from the north and it is 72* out, a real nice day for Crescent City. About a month ago we had a very warm day and I got my lawn chair out of the garage and lay out on the back deck for awhile. The lawn chair has been beckoning me every day since…. but it hasn’t been nice enough to be outside…until today. Ahhh… lawn chair, 72* lawn mowed, good books, beverage, no shirt, visions of summer, yes, I have much to be thankful for. But, I was abruptly reminded of the fact that summer was not quite all here when upon mowing the yard I got the lawnmower stuck in the drainage ditch and had to get Randy to help me push it out.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Rain. Surprise! Surprise!

I stopped at the place where Andrew and I shot the deer, and there in the alder tree is our name and date still visible, carved into the bark of the tree. Again, next to Walker Gulch our name is carved, a silent sentential watching the place of our memories.

Rather than rush through life from experience to experience and only enjoying the time with one sense, I want to try to give each place the time it needs. I want to not only see something, I want to hear, taste, touch, and smell the experience.

Last night when I arrived it started to rain. Ladd Road had washed out and so I had to walk about a ½ mile if I were to visit the bend in the river. Just after I started walking a rainbow appeared over the top of my destination and I felt that I had made the correct choice in visiting this special place. By the time I had got back the rain had stopped and I had made the decision to spend the night here rather than driving and finding a motel. I took stock of what I had and found that I had a lawn chair (bed), a poncho (tent), and a fleece blanket (sleeping bag). Everything except fire, of which I hurriedly started. I was cozy, warm, and dry until it started raining at about 2:00 am. I had to get up about every 45 minutes to put more wood on the fire. I got into the car and then I really got cold. I didn’t start the car as I wanted to see how long it would take me to warm up in the absence of a fire. When I woke up at 6:30 I was still somewhat cold so I sat in the car with the heater going until I warmed up enough to restart the fire. When I took a walk this morning and discovered that two deer had ventured in sight of the car and then turned back the direction that they had come.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Making Memories.

This is one of the first places that I shared with Sandi after we were married. So, as you can see, bringing my boys here holds very special meaning for me. The sights and sounds of the river is virtually the same as it was 44 years ago when my mother first started bringing me. The rushing waters still play the same chorus as it charges toward the sea. There are new homes along the river as well as the same old homes. Each year buildings fade farther and farther into their final resting places. There are the abandoned signs of failed businesses. But the river is still the same making the same swooshing sound as it races to the ocean. The cycle continues.

I stopped at the place where Andrew and I shot the deer and there in the alder tree is HOOPER and the date still visible, carved into the bark of the tree. Again, next to Walker Gulch our name is carved, a silent sentential watching the place of our memories.

Rather than rush through life from experience to experience and only enjoying the time with one sense, I want to try to give each place the time it needs. I want to not only see something, I want to hear, taste, touch, and smell the experience.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Anyway, back to the Klamath River.

As I drove down the river tonight I recalled all the times I been here with my mother, both when I was young and again when I was older. As a child I didn’t realize that the six hour journey that it took with my mom driving could be but a 3-1/2 hour trip with my dad driving by a different, slightly more curvy route. When I was older I visited the spot again. My mother had not let the absence of the sons that thought it not cool to keep her from this special place. She was there again soaking up the beauty and solitude of the place that we came to call “the cabin” The cabin had ceased to exist after the ’64 flood, being washed away by the high water. At one time someone had tried to make a home of Walker Gulch. They had built a rough 20’ X 20’ single walled cabin complete with galvanized roofing as well as a carport open on all four sides and hewn out of small trees and poles. Mom would make her yearly trips here by herself after Chuck and I stopped going with her.
After working the summer I got a wild idea that I needed to have some type of trip to call Summer Vacation. I took off and hitchhiked over to Mt. Lassen. I had always seen it from afar and I wanted to actually climb it. I don’t recall how I got there, but I do remember walking up to the top and planning to camp the night. In fact, I even had my camp all laid out and I was watching the beautiful sunset to the west. All of a sudden instead of just the sunset I saw lightening flashing in the distance, then the sound of thunder, the lightening closer. Suddenly spending the night atop a volcano didn’t seem like such a great idea. A day or so later I found myself walking down Hwy. 96 after getting dropped off at the rest area at the junction of the Klamath River and I-5. It took me about 2 rides to get the 50 miles downriver to the turnoff to Ladd Road. Walking the last 3 miles and arriving just before dark Mom was much surprised to see me come walking up.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Seiad Valley holds a special place in my heart.

As a child my mother would bring my brother and I here. It’s here that I came to love the woods and the out-of-doors. I suppose two months of camping every summer can either do one of two things to a child; make you love wildness or abhor it. I came to love it. This is what I wanted to share with my sons growing up, that love for the out-of-doors. As a parent anything that you do, you’re walking a very fine line. Too much or too little of anything and your goal is not met. And I think that myself as a parent I had an underlying purpose in what I did. I hoped to mold my sons into an unconscious vision that I had for them. I wonder though, was the vision what I thought best for them or a mark of parenthood for me? Whatever the reason, I think that I really decided to take growing up seriously as soon as Randy was born. At that point, I decided to do whatever I had to so I could make a good life for him. When Andrew came along we were fully committed to giving them the best possible options that we could provide. Sandi and I only wanted the best for our boys. I think that she came to this conclusion even before I did, maybe when Randy was still in her womb.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Memories, emotions, feeling.

They all came over me like a winter storm wave coming over the jetty, totally enveloping me and almost making me cry like a baby. As I turned down Hwy. 96 off of I-5 the memory of a special time seven years ago came welling over me. Randy, Andrew, and I were off on a little camping trip. At the time both the boys were attending school at Milo Academy. It was in the fall and that weekend happened to be, I believe, the Family Weekend. I’m not sure it was them or me, but for whatever reason we were spending the weekend together, just not on or near the campus. I remember picking them up at Milo in the late afternoon and driving the back road to Medford where we stocked up on food. Enough food to last about 4 weekends! Food that didn’t need to be cooked. In fact, I think one of the criteria was that it had to be ready to be eaten in 30 seconds or less. Then we stopped again to eat out. As we drove down the Klamath River we talked of important things. Things that a father likes to talk about with their sons. Things that make a father realize that his boys are turning into men and they can not only have an opinion they can back their opinions up with good solid logic. It’s enough to make a dad smile in the dark of the night as we wound our way closer to our destination.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Part 2
Well, it's one thing to have a colonoscopy, but it's quite another to find out the results. The doctor called last week and told me the finding. I'll save you the doctor-ese and explain the report the best that I can. There were six polyps ranging in size from 2 cm to 10 cm none of which were cancerous. But it does warrant the need to have this procedure done in two years. Now, I'll call my primary care doctor and take the finding in and have him tell me how I can maintain the best health possible, not necessarily in a general sense, but specifically about my digestive tract. I did find it interesting that I was in a really bad mood after the procedure. I tend to think that it was the anathesia. A couple of days made passed and I was feeling better, just moody-not bad mood.
Anyway, Spring Break is here and I 'm feeling almost ecstatic. It's time to do something different. This has been the longest stretch between Christmas Break and Spring Break. The calendar says that it's spring, but it rained again last night so I'm finding it hard to believe that it will really ever come. I'm thinking of taking a short road trip and visiting some friends and family.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Adventures of don Colonoscopy
Well, I did it. I gave myself a belated 50th birthday present by getting a colonoscopy screening. Personally, I think that everyone should, if not for themselves, but for their families. Colon cancer is a type of cancer that can be treated very effectively and has a very high cure rate. I didn’t get it for the reasons that you’ll read below, but rather for proactive health reasons. Granted, it’s 8 months after my birthday, but this isn’t something a person wants to rush in to. But, on the other hand this isn’t something a person wants to avoid either, especially when colon cancer runs in the family. Fortunately, having gone through the entire process, the only thing worse than the taste of the laxative that they have you to drink is the anxiety of the whole ordeal.

Sunday I started the process by having to drink 12 oz of water every hour upon wakening until I had to take the laxative concoction. I’ve heard tales about the dreaded laxative, and none of them were good. It didn’t help when I went to get the laxative from the drug store and I asked the pharmacist a rather delicate question. I asked her if it really tasted as bad as people made it out to be. She just smiled real big and replied, “worse.” Great, that really instills a lot confidence.

I tanked up on water to the point I thought I was going to float away. Three o’clock came and I mixed up the dreaded potion, held my nose and jug-a-lug, down the hatch. Baaaaaaaaad, very baaaaaaad.

The good news was that I could drink just about every clear liquid I wanted after I had taken the laxative. Water, juice, clear soup, beer. Hmmm.

The bad news is that I tried just about every drinkable liquid in the house and I still couldn’t get rid of the taste. What made it worse was the attempt that the company makes to suppress the taste of whatever they put in the laxative. Lemon and ginger. To me, not a good combination. Why not something like chocolate mint or raspberry cream? No, it has to be lemon and ginger. With options like that getting this test done is going to be a pretty hard sell. But with choices like that I’m probably going to be buying a lot more bran cereal so as not to have to have this test again.

After two hours with no sense of, well, not a way to measure the effectiveness of this truly vile drink I was getting worried. Well, not really worried, maybe just wondering how long that it would take to take effect. When it did start working I was wondering something different, how long it would take to stop being so effective? I guess you really do have to be careful what you hope for.

Just when you think that things can’t get worse, they get worse. The directions call for a second helping of this wretched potion three hours prior to the anticipated voluntary physical abuse. So, 5:00 a.m. comes and I get up and chug down another dose, except this time I’m not supposed drink anything after taking this second dose. No, nothing to wash this despicable taste out of my mouth until after the procedure is over. So, I couldn’t wait to get down to the hospital and get this dreaded procedure over with.

A lot of good that did. When I got there I found out that there were already 12 people (seriously) ahead of me doing the very same thing. My first thought was that, I wonder how many nurses call in sick on Mondays when these procedures are scheduled. What a way to start the week! Of course, it could be one of those ‘pecking order’ entry-level jobs at the hospital. You know, you have to work on the colonoscopy procedure team before you get that job in housekeeping. Now I understand why they have to run so many commercials on TV for nurses.

Soon, too soon, it was my turn to be violated. What I really found odd about the entire process was that from the time I walked into the hospital until I asked for my clothes I must have been asked for my birth date about 10 times, sometimes when the people were holding my forms in front of them. Being the curious person that I am, I asked about that. Some kind of security thing. Yeh, right. Like someone is really going to try to pass themself off as someone else just so they can get a colonoscopy? Why does everyone need to know my birth date? One side of me is saying, maybe they really don’t believe that I’m 50 years old. They probably think I’m only 40. Anyway, enough dreaming.

The last thing I remember was that the nurse asking me if I had any more questions… right after she asked me my birth date (I wonder what would have happened if I would have told her my birth date and been a day off). It somewhat sounded like she was asking me if I had any sins I wanted to confess. I told them to feel free to be generous with the anesthesia and then proceeded to tell them a short story about when the dentist used laughing gas to put me out for a root canal. He had told me to count from 100 to 1 and so I explained to them about how far I had got. "100, 99, 98,…."

“Sir, here are your pants, as soon as you’re dressed, your ride is here. The doctor will call you in a few days with the results.”

I have to believe something happened, but actually, I really don’t want to know.

The good news is I didn’t hear the doctor say, “Sir, would you please open your mouth, I think I may have gone too far.” The only thing worse would be to hear a second hand story of an all-too familiar story of my experience at the checkout counter at the store.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

First Walk-about
I know, I know, the Romans incised entire walls of stone quicker than it takes me to update my Blog. I could give you some lame excuse that I’m busy or something, but I won’t, because we’re all busy.

Yesterday I finally got out geocaching. At this time of year I feel somewhat like a bear coming out of hibernation except for the fact the bear comes out with a lean frame looking for food. Myself I come out of a winter with not a lean frame but a frame with excess reserves. Hmmm..maybe if I slept all winter and played all summer...

It rained in the morning and I decided not to go on a little walk-about. But by the afternoon it quit so I decided to try my luck. That’s been the pattern lately, rain, rain, rain. I headed up to Craig’s Creek to find a cache called Craig’s Crack. Anyway, it’s a 3.7 mile hike each way and I was walking pretty fast as I had such a late start. The hike was beautiful as the springs were full and the water was cascading off the mountain in a spectacular fashion. Around every corner there was another beautiful waterfall. The dogs liked it too. They’ve been cooped up too long and they wanted a hike. Found the cache and sensed good things to come this spring. Today my calves are a little sore (a good sore) and I haven't heard the dogs whining this morning (a good thing).

Sunday, March 12, 2006


We went to Fast Freddies (Fred Meyer) yesterday for an excuse to get out of town. Upon entering the store we saw something that caught our eye. There were two different models of the small fire rings that are to be used on a deck or in the backyard. They were about 4' X 4' and have a small fire area in a stainless steel ring surrounded by a tile border. Immediately my pyromaniac side came alive and I pictured how it would look on the deck and imagined grilling with it instead of the ugly block edifice in the backyard. Or maybe, it was my primordial side awakening and seeing the past in a modern setting. What ever it was, I was attracted to the idea of bringing fire, warmth, comfort, protection, and the ability to cook onto our deck. I wondered, why is it, that given all of the modern convieniences that we have I/we/some people still search out and even crave that link to our past. Thpusands of years of progress and we are drawn to do something that we worked so hard to escape.