Sunday, March 12, 2006


We went to Fast Freddies (Fred Meyer) yesterday for an excuse to get out of town. Upon entering the store we saw something that caught our eye. There were two different models of the small fire rings that are to be used on a deck or in the backyard. They were about 4' X 4' and have a small fire area in a stainless steel ring surrounded by a tile border. Immediately my pyromaniac side came alive and I pictured how it would look on the deck and imagined grilling with it instead of the ugly block edifice in the backyard. Or maybe, it was my primordial side awakening and seeing the past in a modern setting. What ever it was, I was attracted to the idea of bringing fire, warmth, comfort, protection, and the ability to cook onto our deck. I wondered, why is it, that given all of the modern convieniences that we have I/we/some people still search out and even crave that link to our past. Thpusands of years of progress and we are drawn to do something that we worked so hard to escape.

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