Saturday, April 08, 2006

Part 2
Well, it's one thing to have a colonoscopy, but it's quite another to find out the results. The doctor called last week and told me the finding. I'll save you the doctor-ese and explain the report the best that I can. There were six polyps ranging in size from 2 cm to 10 cm none of which were cancerous. But it does warrant the need to have this procedure done in two years. Now, I'll call my primary care doctor and take the finding in and have him tell me how I can maintain the best health possible, not necessarily in a general sense, but specifically about my digestive tract. I did find it interesting that I was in a really bad mood after the procedure. I tend to think that it was the anathesia. A couple of days made passed and I was feeling better, just moody-not bad mood.
Anyway, Spring Break is here and I 'm feeling almost ecstatic. It's time to do something different. This has been the longest stretch between Christmas Break and Spring Break. The calendar says that it's spring, but it rained again last night so I'm finding it hard to believe that it will really ever come. I'm thinking of taking a short road trip and visiting some friends and family.


Andrew Hooper said...

Hey Dad, Well, thanks for getting the colonoscopy done. After hearing about your brother and cancer, it was a great relief for me to hear that you're fine and only need to tweak your lifestyle and eating habits some (hopefully). So, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, "From ALL of us who love and adore you, thanks for doing the right thing to take care of yourself. We want you around (in a good mood :) ) for as long as we can have you."

Randy Hooper said...

I second that.