Saturday, May 30, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

News break!!!

I just read a rather interesting story on Yes, there is attention-grabbing news in the Northwest. It seems like that some seasonal workers were caught, cited, and fired for doing the unthinkable…peeing in Old Faithful Geyser. Lucky for them Old Faithful lived up to its name, and fortunate for the ‘workers’ it was on time.

One person commented that, “Old Faithful should have given him a scalded wiener.” Another person said “what a fantastic thing to do......once, at your last day at work for the park service :) ...” and there’s a part of me that kind of agrees with him.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Claudia's first Mother's Day

I have a T-shirt idea I want to market. I need to market it to students rather than school personnel. It would read, Yaaaa...only 179 days of school left.

Another scandel!!!!

I heard there's a another doping scandel in the news. Now it's in the NASCAR sport. It seems like some of the cars having using substances not allowed. That's right, not the drivers, the cars. In a recent investigation it seems like they been find Aviation fuel in the the gas tanks.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Many look,
Few See,
Artists capture.

Dirty windows

I think our house is the victim of a demented sense of humor of a bunch of miscreant birds. Don’t call me obsessive, but whenever I see the dirty slider windows looking out on the deck I must wash them. At first I thought that that there were some white and gray flowers growing from the Japanese Red Maple we have in the back yard until I realized that these trees don’t have flowers like this.

I wash the windows using the bucket of soap and brush I have out there. I think that a flock of very large birds may be on to me though.

Keep in mind that there is a 24 inch overhang protecting the windows, and unless there’s a new law of physics to add to all the other ones that I don’t know this takes extra effort and expertise to hit a target that is not directly below the launch vehicle. Looking at the evidence I think it may some kind of contest by a bunch of ner-do-well crows or maybe a bird about the size of a California Condor. I know I’m reading a lot into the evidence, but you’d probably come to the same conclusion if you could’ve seen what was splattered across both sliders facing the deck. There wasn’t any evidence on the deck, or the house, or the roof…just on the sliders.