Sunday, May 20, 2007

PU fuel cost vrs. PK electric cost.

May 12-May 19
The first week of a number figure to compare.In the last week I drove the ZAP Xebra PK 176 miles. If I had driven my PU that distance at 13 miles to the gallon I would have used 13.5 gallons of gas at a cost of $3.53 per gallon (in Crescent City). Gas: $3.53 X 13.5 = $47.79 Electric cost: 176 (miles) X $.03 per mile = $5.28. Savings $42.51.


Tesla her I come.


Andrew Hooper said...

I love it! Keep breaking down the numbers like that! It makes ME feel good, so it must make you feel GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Cool! What are you going to do with all that extra money?!

Anonymous said...

Jim, how do you keep that thing from tipping over?

Jim said...

Tipping over is not an issue. The thing is rock solid in front. No tipping or torsion issues at all. If I didn't look under the front end I would think that it had two wheels in the front.

Sandi Hooper said...

Yeah, what WILL you do with all the money...

Andrew Hooper said...

You JUST learned an important lesson about your electric car recently as part of the "learning curve" of owning an electric car. I think it would be a valuable piece of information to share with anyone that might be searching the internet for information on electric cars.