Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

Today was a '12 on the 10 scale kind of day.' On Friday Randy asked me what I wanted to do for Father's Day. I'm sure he was somewhat reticent to actually pose the question to me, as he's never sure what I'll want to do. I told him I wanted to go to Hooper Peak, or at least where my cache site 'Hooper Peak optional' was at. Now, this probably won't mean anything to you unless you already geocache. If you don't, you can go to '' and find out about it.

Yes, that is Hooper Peak in the background, so named by me. Chances are no one out of our immediate family calls it by this name. But, the way I look at it, a person has to start somewhere. I have plans of actually painting some time of plaque and placing it up there, then if someone finds it in the next hundred years, they'll probably just say, 'huh,' and throw it down the hill. But, I'll know the real truth.

Andrew and I camped at this spot a couple of years ago based on the whim I had after looking at the background over Sanger Lake. I think my comment was something like, " I wonder if anyone has every climbed to the top of that mountain?" So, we did it, and, yes, it was worth every scratch of it. No, there's not a trail. So, it's a by-guess, and by-golly kind of adventure, but the view is awesommmmee! You can actually see the ocean to the west and Mt. Shasta to the east. (Another great memory)

Thanks, Randy, I had a great day. Your time is your greatest gift to me, and I appreciated every moment of it.
Love, Dad
P.S. Randy really isn't cold. We had to make the best of the only patch of snow we came across.

Mo' pics:

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