Monday, April 24, 2006

Bow at the knee of history, for therein lies your future

What is the future but our appreciation of the past? Who we were, why we are, and what we are to become. The past, the effervescent reminder of who we really are. Yes, we can only learn from the present if we really understand from whence we came.


Andrew Hooper said...

"from 'whence' we came" I'm not sure I get that word 'whence.' Is that a cross between where and hence...and then, what is "hence?" Why express it in such antiquated words?

Sandi Hooper said...

Man, Dood doesn't pull any punches, does he? And with a smile, to boot! don't let the pip squeak slow ya down bun. I like that you're bloggin'--hell, I don't gotta understand every one of them there purty words... blog on, my brother, blog on!