Friday, November 21, 2008

A letter to Mr. Fab 11-20-08

In view of the recent Leadership Team Meeting Minutes that we received, Mr. Fabricius mentioned that “Because of the many grants awarded to us recently, Professional Development is a requirement in each of them that we must explore.”

Does anyone else see a correlation between the Chinese Acrobats and Professional Development? Let me connect the dots. If you’ve been following the news, California budget money is to be reduced in the future. What does that mean to us? There will be fewer assemblies, more time constraints, and yet more Professional Development. That’s right, Professional Development under the guise of “Assemblies.” After all, why pay someone to change the lights in the MPR if a couple of teachers can be trained to stand on a ladder on one another’s shoulders to accomplish the same thing?

The way I’m seeing this, the Chinese Acrobats demonstration was, in a sense, Professional Development for us. I hope all were paying attention. With the glee and anticipation that Mr. Fab did his part, it just shows that as he leads, we are expected to follow. I sense that this was a way of showing us what we are to be doing for a future assembly. He has the basketball spinning routine down. He’ll probably be asking for someone to learn to juggle pans while sitting on a rather tall unicycle. Also, there has to be someone for that dramatic beginning; doing running flips off a hard gym floor. Don’t forget the table spinning demonstration; you don’t want to make too many mistakes with that one! Sorry, I have to beg off on any of these.

Before everyone else jumps on what they are willing to do, let me volunteer for a job.

I’ll turn the music system on and off

Here we grow again,


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