Sunday, April 22, 2007

I’m this (-) close

That’s right, I’m that close to doing the deed of buying an electric vehicle. I can think of more reasons too do it than not to do it. Personally, I was going to use price as a ’trigger point’ to buy. When gas reached a certain price, for example $3.50 per gallon, I was going to pull the trigger and buy. That strategy is almost self-defeating in a way. What I’ve found so far is that the price of gas now $3.45. When I checked the latest ZAP PK price the cost had gone up $700.

Buying is almost as painful as finding out that you’re pregnant. There’s no going back. So, it’s a big step. Perhaps I’m making it out to be, to big of a step, after all, it’s only money. So, there’s no time like the present, as things aren’t getting any cheaper. Ultimately (my favorite word), it is the right thing to do on a number of levels. One, while the technology is not what I would optimally like, by buying now I am supporting and encouraging what will be to come. By fostering this technology it will open the doors to even better cars. Two, I can always sell it and buy the next best thing. Three, the sooner we get this paid for, the sooner Sandi can get the car she wants. And, with that in mind, it, in a way, takes care of the proverbial mid-life crisis sports car. Fourth, by supporting new products like this I am starting to live as if my grandchildren’s futures depend on it…which I believe it does. Fifth, wouldn’t my dad think it funny that the first brand new vehicle that I buy for myself is an all-electric one?

1 comment:

Andrew Hooper said...

You want to update us on your recent trip? Please?