Friday, March 09, 2007

26-3/8" March 9, 2007

To some this may be be as interesting as watching paint dry, but in some macabre way I find measuring and comparing the rainfall somewhat interesting.

On March 9, 2006 we had 34-1/2"


Sandi Hooper said...

Bunny, what the heck are you doing?!

Andrew Hooper said...

Hey, it's like me with the bait fish. Yes, some find it boring, but for me it's just...interesting and EVEN exciting.

Anonymous said...

That's "macabre", not "macab".

Andrew Hooper said...

Is there anyway you could find a quantitative way to measure sunniness or sunlight and keep updating us on that?

I'd like that much better, I think. :)

Andrew Hooper said...

Oh, I just published this on mom's blog, but CONGRATULATIONS to you too on being married...FOREVER! ;)


Andrew Hooper said...

C'mon, what are the new rain totals? It rained a bunch Sunday night and Monday!